Thursday, March 29, 2007

Freewrite #1

Over Spring break I went to Utah with my friends and his family. We stayed in a Cabin right by Brighton Slopes. I took lessons the first day because i havent snowboarded in over 2 years. I was with my two other classmates that didnt know how to snowboard either so they took the lessons to. We had lots of fun. I didnt take much in the lesson, so i had to learn the hard way by falling alot. We were there for about 9 days, so towards the end it kind of got a little boring, but at nights went by really quickly. We played Mafia, Mafia is a fun game because we were all really competitive so we all yelled during the game. We also played games like monopoly and card games, we had lots of fun. we would stay up till 11 just playing games. On the second to the last day we went tubing in Park City. It was lots of fun because we would go in the same lane and punch and kick to see who got first place. Going on this trip was good expierence because i didnt go with my parents, i got to find out what life was without my parents. i missed them but it was fun to see how i would react without my parents there with me.

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