Thursday, March 29, 2007

Essential Question #4

This weekend I watched "The Ron Clark Story" this was a movie about a teacher who teaches kids who have already given up on school, but the only reason they are there is because the law says they have to be. This one kid Tyrone is a troublemaker, who never pays attention and shows up to school every other day. the thing is, he is a terrific artist who has potential. He displays his artwork at home on his wall in his room with spray paint. One night is adopted drunk father comes home, and sees this artwork. The father claims that he has said to take this down before. He gets mad and starts to beat Tyrone. Ron Clark (Matthew Perry) that night was taking the class to see and opera. When he realizes that Tyrone is not there, he knows that Tyrone really wanted to be there, so he goes to Tyrones house to see it trashed and his Stepfather passed out in the living room. Ron Clark goes back outside yelling Tyrones name, when he hears wimpering down a dark alley. He goes down to find Tyrone, bloody, bruised and crying, lying there grasping his arm. He rushes up to him and comforts him, he immediatley says "everything will be ok, dont worry, everything will be ok." Later that night he finds Tyrone a temporary home and the prinicipals office. I think that this shows that no matter what teachers will be there for you. You can talk to them about anything. These kids in the class, arent the brightest, so Ron Clark goes through drinking milk every thirty seconds to double dutching during recess. To get these kids to start to pay attention in class. The prinicipal said that if every kid passes the City Test then Ron Clark can keep his job. He uses this as a motive and really starts to get the kids ready. When the test comes, the kids are really nervous so he just gives them one more tip "have fun" The kids take the test, and they are the only class to have the class all past the test. They ended up having the only Perfect score. This story shows that Ron Clark didnt give up on these kids and these kids didnt either. He wanted to help these kids, he wanted them to all pass.

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