Sunday, May 6, 2007

act 2 scene 2

Demetrius finds Lysander and Hermia sleeping in the woods and goes off trying to find help so that they can take them back home. When Robin Finds them and casts a spell on lysander so that he hates Hermia and loves helena. When lysander and hermia wake up lysander starts to yell at her and tell her how much he loves helena. and then hermia is crushed and walks off crying.

Act 2 Scene 1

Titania and Oberon are arguing over who gets the boy, when oberon finally comes to the conclusion to cheat and get the boy. he sends robin to go and get a special flower so that Titania will have hateful fantasies. also demetrius and helena go and try to find lysander and hermia, when they have a fight to. demetrius says that he hates helena when helena is saying that if she doesnt look at him she loves him more and more.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Summary Act 1 Scene 2

In this scene lysander and hermia are talking to try and figure out what they should do about their dilemma. lysander tells hermia to meet in the woods tomorow at midnight so they could flee off and get married. when helena comes by asking hermia why she cant demetrius's attention and she can. she is angry because no matter how much she loves demetrius the more that demetrius loves hermia. lysander and hermia make a big mistake by telling helena of their plan to meet in the woods and leave. after lysander and hermia bother exit, helena stands their thinking of how to get demetrius's attention. she comes up with the idea to tell demtrius about their plan to run away and get married. she thinks of this as pay back for taking demetrius away.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ghost Story

There was a party going on in Makakilo, and there were lots of people. There were two rooms, one for the adults ands one for the children, some of the kids were sleeping and some were watching TV. The parents were all drinking and playing the music really loud, when one of the parents heard drumming. Now he thought this was impossible because they were one of two houses on street and the other house was desserted and well almost compleatly knocked down. So he told them to stop the music and to listen, he got louder and louder. He Whispered "night marchers" one of the Drunk Uncles got up and started yelling " eh dont mess up my family reunion marchers" one of the uncles tackled him so he would stop yelling. He got up again and said "nobody stops my party" he stormed outside and closed the door. We heard a "ahhhh" and we rushed outside to find my uncles body on the ground motionless. We called his name, called the ambulance but nothing happend. They think it was a heartattack but we think that the night marchers came and took his soul.

Freewrite #1

Over Spring break I went to Utah with my friends and his family. We stayed in a Cabin right by Brighton Slopes. I took lessons the first day because i havent snowboarded in over 2 years. I was with my two other classmates that didnt know how to snowboard either so they took the lessons to. We had lots of fun. I didnt take much in the lesson, so i had to learn the hard way by falling alot. We were there for about 9 days, so towards the end it kind of got a little boring, but at nights went by really quickly. We played Mafia, Mafia is a fun game because we were all really competitive so we all yelled during the game. We also played games like monopoly and card games, we had lots of fun. we would stay up till 11 just playing games. On the second to the last day we went tubing in Park City. It was lots of fun because we would go in the same lane and punch and kick to see who got first place. Going on this trip was good expierence because i didnt go with my parents, i got to find out what life was without my parents. i missed them but it was fun to see how i would react without my parents there with me.

Essential Question #4

This weekend I watched "The Ron Clark Story" this was a movie about a teacher who teaches kids who have already given up on school, but the only reason they are there is because the law says they have to be. This one kid Tyrone is a troublemaker, who never pays attention and shows up to school every other day. the thing is, he is a terrific artist who has potential. He displays his artwork at home on his wall in his room with spray paint. One night is adopted drunk father comes home, and sees this artwork. The father claims that he has said to take this down before. He gets mad and starts to beat Tyrone. Ron Clark (Matthew Perry) that night was taking the class to see and opera. When he realizes that Tyrone is not there, he knows that Tyrone really wanted to be there, so he goes to Tyrones house to see it trashed and his Stepfather passed out in the living room. Ron Clark goes back outside yelling Tyrones name, when he hears wimpering down a dark alley. He goes down to find Tyrone, bloody, bruised and crying, lying there grasping his arm. He rushes up to him and comforts him, he immediatley says "everything will be ok, dont worry, everything will be ok." Later that night he finds Tyrone a temporary home and the prinicipals office. I think that this shows that no matter what teachers will be there for you. You can talk to them about anything. These kids in the class, arent the brightest, so Ron Clark goes through drinking milk every thirty seconds to double dutching during recess. To get these kids to start to pay attention in class. The prinicipal said that if every kid passes the City Test then Ron Clark can keep his job. He uses this as a motive and really starts to get the kids ready. When the test comes, the kids are really nervous so he just gives them one more tip "have fun" The kids take the test, and they are the only class to have the class all past the test. They ended up having the only Perfect score. This story shows that Ron Clark didnt give up on these kids and these kids didnt either. He wanted to help these kids, he wanted them to all pass.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Essential Question #3

What could I do to help others who are less fortunate?
When I go and Visit my grandmother in Kahala, we have to go underneath the freeway. I see the same homeless guy standing with a sign saying "Will Work for food" Everytime I say the same thing, I feel really bad for that guy and I wish that I could do something to help him. On Christmas Eve we went over to my grandamas house, and I saw the same guy. We parked across the street so we had to pass him. I had my wallet, so I got out five dollars and handed it to the guy. He was surprised because nobody has been giving him anything. I handed it to him, and he had tears in his eyes, I told him Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. He said "God Bless ya Sonny". This has alot to do with my Essential Question because I gave this man some money so he could buy food. I knew I was taking a risk because I didnt know anything about this man, he could of grabbed me and took all of my money.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Essential Question

What can I do to help the people less fortunate?

Last year for choir during christmas time our choir went to four different care homes. Before Kind of thought that it would be weird becuase all these people would be weird. But when we got there it felt really good to give these people some christmas spirit. When we were singing I saw this one lady, she was in a wheel chair and had two tubes going into her nose so she could breath better. There was a lady helping her and she told us, this lady was autistic, and was deaf. She didnt know how to read sign language so she had to learn how to read lips. Two weeks later, this women past away. I was glad that we got to help share some christmas spirit with her before she past on. And now I am thinking that we could do something next year for the same care home. We could maybe do this for Community Service hours, it could teach us to think twice about what we have, and what other people dont.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Growing up almost deaf

Growing up was very difficult for my grandfather. After Highschool he went to college, where he met my grandmother. After about a year they decided to get married, but then he was called to war. So they postponed the wedding untill after he got back. My grandfather was scared to go because he had just started a whole new life with his new wife. He went to become a navigator. This job was the hardest, and one of the most important jobs. He had to learn how to read all the maps and coordinates. It took him about two and a half months to get it down, compared to the others who took about four months.
He would often think about his wife, and send her letters saying that he was ok and that he missed her. When it was finally his turn to go into the air he first had to get to know the person he was going to be with. This person was known as Jack, who actually turned out to be his best man at his wedding. Everyday Jack would give him coordinates and my grandpa had to find it within 5 minutes, they did this because they didn't know where they would be going. Jack was the pilot who my grandfather would be partnering with. All of this training was taken place in Florida. When they were finally called out my grandfather was really nervous. When he got a notice from his soon to be wife, that she was pregnant. This got my Grandfather really excited and it got rid of all his fear.
When they were in the air, he just kept thinking of what it would be like to have a son or daughter running around their house. Now flying up in the air in a Jet is quite loud, so it was hard for him to hear anything. So he couldnt hear Jack asking for the Coordinates. He got them to the place where they wanted to be, but he could not really remember anything. He remebered swerving, swearing and a whole lot of explosions. He closed his eyes for most of the grewsome stuff.
After this whole expierience and going through this over and over again he started to notice that it was becoming harder for him to hear. At the age of 37 he had to get hearing aids because he could barely hear anything. After the war, he returned to college wearing his new hearing aids. He graduated with a writing degree, he actually worked with his wife Lucille Wong. Now the army is paying 20% for his hearing aids. This is very low because they only recently started to help him financialy with his hearing aids. This is unfortunate, because now he is almost completely deaf and could not hear us talk very well. So we have to go up to him really close and speak loud and slowly.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Essential Question 1

What can I do to help the people less fortunate?
In this video it shows someone helping out people who need it. I think that this person is someone who does something knowing that he will not get anything in return. I would like to help out these kinds of people because even though im priveledged enough to have a home, I would like to help the people who dont. Even though they may have made mistakes in their life earlier, it would still be nice if I could help someone knowing that I made a difference in someones life. Like Tom Mabe, he helped these people out knowing that he made a difference and knowing that he would not get anything in return. Even if its only helping out two guys its still making a difference in someones life.

Monday, February 26, 2007


you know that guy whos just in the background?
well guess you could say thats me.
i just walk there.
occasionally adding a comment
listening to what my friends say
if i dont know you
i wont talk.
some would say im loud
some would say im quite
i perfer ''not to loud, but not to quite''
do you know who i am?
i am THAT kid you see everyday
i am THAT kid that hangs with his friends
i am THAT kid who is ''not to loud, but not to quite''

Purpose of This Blog

The purpose of having a blog is so that we can broadcast our work to people around the world. I think that this is a good idea because we now get a wider variety of an audience, not only the teacher for an audience, but the whole world. I also think that having a blog is easier than typing out papers, printing them, and then handing it in. Now we can do this at home or at school without having to worry about printing it. We don't have to worry about the printer not working. The downside to having a blog is that if the internet is not working then we cannot log in and do our homework.