Monday, February 26, 2007


you know that guy whos just in the background?
well guess you could say thats me.
i just walk there.
occasionally adding a comment
listening to what my friends say
if i dont know you
i wont talk.
some would say im loud
some would say im quite
i perfer ''not to loud, but not to quite''
do you know who i am?
i am THAT kid you see everyday
i am THAT kid that hangs with his friends
i am THAT kid who is ''not to loud, but not to quite''

Purpose of This Blog

The purpose of having a blog is so that we can broadcast our work to people around the world. I think that this is a good idea because we now get a wider variety of an audience, not only the teacher for an audience, but the whole world. I also think that having a blog is easier than typing out papers, printing them, and then handing it in. Now we can do this at home or at school without having to worry about printing it. We don't have to worry about the printer not working. The downside to having a blog is that if the internet is not working then we cannot log in and do our homework.